Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Dear Vytas, Perfect Timing

Dear Vytas,

Hello sweet boy! Today is April 23 2013, I wonder if by chance that today is the day you turn the big 5! Or was it yesterday? Or is it tomorrow? April is almost over but I'm going to continue to do your Birthday card fundraiser until I fill your card! I want to give everyone a chance that wants to tell you how much they love you. And you're a pretty popular little boy right now! Lots of people are talking about you, praying for you and sharing your face with the world. The anticipation grows everyday I always say "Is today the day you're on the My Family Found Me page?" I get so excited over just the thought of that day, I can't even imagine how I'll feel! I know what it's like to see children I've loved and prayed for end up finding wonderful families, but I've honestly never fallen in love so much with an orphan like I have for you. It was so hard losing "my" sweet little L because of the Russian ban. I never thought I could love someone as much as I loved her, and because I prayed that God would guide me to a child that needed my attention and prayer he sent me you and created this bond so strong. I love you so much and I know you have a special purpose in this world. You were made by a perfect Heavenly Father who made you for a perfect family, that just hasn't gotten to you yet. As hard as it is to understand, God's timing is perfect in every situation. We don't always know why things happen when they do but I know and trust that its all in His perfect timing. You will find your family, or they'll find you! And I cannot express my joy on the thought of that day! :)

I finally finally ordered photos of you!
I haven't gotten a chance to play around with them much but my very favorite picture of you is already in the special frame I got you..and it's going right near my bed where I'll see your face every single day. :)

I love you! <3


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